Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty Of Versaille (end WWI)

The end of World War I was a victory for The Triple Entente and a defeat for The Triple Alliance brought by The Treaty Of Versailles. But towards the end, Germany was blamed for all of the damages in every counrty around the world that was affected.
The Treaty of Versailles brouht major provisions. One of those provisions was the Leage of Nations. It was an international peace organization that consisted of 32 members: both allies and other neutral countries. Among those were the "Big Three: U.S., France and Britain". Another provision that affected Germany in a great way was Territorial Losses. As aresult Germany had land removed from all over the world and later other countries were formed. The third major provision was Military Restrictions. Germany was forced to limit their navy and army to almost 100,000 men and to remove their army and navy from Rhineland. The last provision was War Guilt. This ment that Germany was blamed for everything and was forced to sign and accept the consequences. This left a resentment of anger in all Germans.
In fact many historians agree that this was what led to WWII and that Adolf Hitler and his fascism. A desire of revenge and to recover everything that was lost.

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