Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Review "Gandhi"

GANDHI: India's Leader To Independence.
India was found to be in the darkness under the British rule for over 200 years. It was full of harsh treatement and seemed to be at it's end. British people were very much prejedice towards the Indiand people and didnt seem to care about them and the Indian people were getting tired. Yet little did they know that there was another way of confronting the British.
Mahatma Gandhi was their leader for India's independence. He was aleader who used passive resistance and non-violence. In, other words the British did everything to him and the Indian people but he would not fight back. This I belive is the strongest way of fighting back because the Brithish would eventually get tired that they did not repond back. One of the mst impacting things that he did was when he decided to make his own clothes.
I thought that this was a great impact because now the Brithish wouldn't make as much money as they would if the Indian people were buying from them. It brought their economy down. Indeed that his passive resistance led to an impact in India that would later lead them to independence. Although I do think that most of their independence was led by Gandhi because he was the one who inspired the others to step up for their rights. I don't think that it would of happened anyway because no one was standing up for their rights yet. Gandhi's step surely led to India's independence especially considering that countries like England were involved in Hitlers' position in WWII.

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