Thursday, March 22, 2007

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

This documentary is a more of a real image of the Holocaust. You could actually see the people that were there during that time and how they were treated from real based

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

The film "Schindler's List" is an illustration showing what happened in the Holocaust. We were able to see how the Jews were treated first in the Ghettos, the in the Labor Camps and Finally in the concentration camps. This film illustrated how the Jews would hide and then later be killed by the Nazi's. It also illustrated how the families were separated and might have never united again. But despite the fact of the horrible treatment on the Jews and others too, there was a man who had workers that could be saved by him because he was a Nazi member. This man was Schindler and if you made it on his list then the chances of you getting killed were very few because he would save you.
There was apart in this film where they try to separate a little girl from her mom but he stops the officer wnd the little girl can go back with his mother. The Nazi's were trying to have a genocide, or eliminating a race but Schindler was a "good Nazi". If you would like to see a film with the illustration of the Holocaust then this is the film but i recommend you to skip some parts because it can be very strong. One image that will always stay in my mind is the little girl in the pink jacket running up the streets of the Ghetto and then later seeing her being burned in Auschwitiz. It was something very powerful to see how the Nazi's had no compassion over nobody.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

I agree that the US Bombing of Japan in 1945 was one of the most major events during the last century. The Bombing of Japan was a turning point for the world because it was during this time that the whole world was getting modernized. The power of the bombs showed the capability of only one country's massive production. Not only were the people amazed at something like this, but it also created great tension of what could happen next.
The bombing caused the death of many innocent people and the vanishment of two cities: hiroshima and Nagasaki. People were seriously hurt with all of the radiations and all with no where to go or nothing to do. In fact this bombing was so strong that a book was written about a little girl who got Lukemia from the bomb radiations. This bok is Sadako and the thousand Paper Cranes.
Some were for the idea of bombing and some weren't, but what done is done.
I don't agree with everything on the list from the article because i don't think that the events were put in order. I don't think that Brown vs. Board of Ed. is more important that the Holocaust or Hitlers reign. This list should be redone.

Germany at War - WWII