Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Throughout time Russia was alway a communist state until it was time when

Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

After World War II, a place was needed for all of the Jews that survived the Holocaust. Yet through their hardships and battles, Zionism came to rise. Zionism was the establishment of a Jewish State. The Jews needed a place to live, but nobody wanted to take the Jews or give them a place to live in. Although the Jews were not accepted by the Arabs, they had the British support. "When the British, who voiced support for Zionism, won control of the area after World War I, there was a major Arab revolt against them, too. " Infact there was a lot of tension between the Arabs and the Jews for there was no sign of an establishment.
In 1936, "the Arabs began a major revolt against British policies and ever-increasing Jewish immigration." These revolts continued and violence grew and continued until the land was given to them. Both the Jews and the Arabs struggled and continue to do so because both debated over who should have their holy land of Jerusalem. Yet the Arabs did not think that it would be fair for the Jews to have that land and if it was the other way around, the same problem would occur. Palestinians and Jews will almost never get along for that reason.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was a policy of racial segregation in South African from 1948 to 1994. This policy separated the Bantu (black), the Colored (mixed), and the Indians from the white minority. They were restricted in parliamentary elections, public facilities and even marital status. they were all dominated by the White minority. But the people of South Africa started to get tired and they started to take action. Nelson Mandel was an anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African National Congress(ANC). He was later sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage after he went underground and began the ANC's armed struggle. He was imprisoned for nearly 27 years. For that he was considered a hero, for not becoming a rebel while he was in jail and for fairly doing his time as he was told. But as soon as he got out of jail, his point of view changed and thought that violence was necessary. Many authors admired him because he self-sacrificed himself and was a fighter and some authors even said " Instead of bowing down to this unjust system of government, he became a lifelong warrior in the battle to free South Africa". Greatly he was admired.

African Independence